Unlocking Space for Business - Pilot Projects

The UK Space Agency’s Unlocking Space for Business programme is providing funding to support financial services and transport & logistics companies partner with a supplier of satellite data or services to deliver innovative pilot projects within their organisation.

  • Opening date:
  • Closing date:

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Proposals are sought for innovative pilot projects to be funded through a competitive grant call, funded by the UK Space Agency’s Unlocking Space for Business programme. This grant call is seeking applications from end-user led consortiums for pilot projects that will use satellite data and services in the Financial Services and Transport & Logistics sectors. End-users are defined as a user that directly utilises or consumes data derived from space-based assets, such as satellites, to gain insights, make informed decisions, and drive innovation in either the financial services or transport & logistics sectors.  

Satellite data in the Financial Services and Transport & Logistics sectors refers to the use of information collected from satellite-based systems and technologies to enhance operations, decision-making and efficiency within these industries. In the Financial Services sector, satellite data and services can support efficient claims verification, monitoring assets or evaluating environmental factors that might impact investments.  

In the Transport & Logistics sector, such data and services can offer real-time tracking of vehicles and shipments, optimise routes, and provide insights into traffic patterns and infrastructure conditions, thereby improving delivery schedules, reducing costs, and enhancing overall supply chain management. 

By leveraging satellite data and services alongside existing terrestrial data sources and complementary technologies, businesses in these sectors can gain access to a wealth of information that enables them to make more informed and strategic decisions.


This call is open to applications from end-users in consortium with suppliers of space derived data in either of the two target sectors of Financial Services and Transport & Logistics. The call is for pilot projects involving innovative use of satellite data and services across all satellite data domains (Earth Observation; Satellite Communication and Connectivity; Positioning, Navigation and Timing) in combination with complementary terrestrial data and technologies (e.g. AI, machine learning, quantum, drones, geospatial data).


The main objective of this call is to Catalyse investment (directly and indirectly) in satellite-derived data, applications, and services by non-space businesses, to grow the UK Space Sector’s market. It is expected the outcomes of the call will be;

New Revenue Growth Opportunities 

Pilot projects should encourage the exploration and implementation of innovative solutions that leverage satellite data and service domains combined with terrestrial technologies. Projects should promote the development of novel business models or services that capitalise and stimulate the development of projects that open new avenues for revenue generation.  

Improved Customer Experience 

Pilot projects should enhance the overall customer experience and encourage the use of satellite data and terrestrial technologies by end-users that streamline processes, provide better services and offer more personalised experiences to end-users. Solutions should identify and address pain points or inefficiencies in current customer interactions and transactions. 

 Decision-Making Capabilities: 

Pilot projects should deliver enhanced benefits to end-user businesses, such as increasing operational efficiency, cost savings, or improving decision-making capabilities and productivity.  

Environmental, Social and Governance Benefits: 

Pilot projects should contribute to environmental sustainability and social responsibility goals that have the potential to monitor and mitigate environmental impacts, promote sustainable practices, and support social inclusion initiatives. Projects should consider relevant regulatory reporting requirements.


The following schedule sets out the indicated timing of processes for this call. Please note that each deadline may be subject to change: 

  • Applications open: 27 March 2024 

  • Online briefing webinar: 10 April 2024 

  • Applications close: 22 May 2024 

  • Evaluation and approval period: 22 May – 09 June 2024 

  • Award Recipients Informed: 10 June 2024 

  • Projects start: 1 July 2024 

  • Major milestones completed: by end of January 2025 

  • Projects end by: 24 March 2025 

  • End of Project Reviews: As per each project completion date

How to apply

Supporting information