Section 17 Management Agreements

We can offer funding to improve the management of monuments or access to them through agreements with the owner or occupier of the land. These agreements usually run for a term of three or five years. We can include payment for one-off repairs which would usually be carried out at the start of the term. More major repairs can be considered under our Repair Grants for Heritage at Risk grant scheme. Our priorities for funding through management agreements are be scheduled monuments at risk.

  • Opening date: (Midnight)
  • Closing date: (Midnight)

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Management Agreements are offered for the preservation, maintenance, management and presentation of ancient monuments.  They are offered under Section 17 (1-9) of the 1979 Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act.

We work closely with Natural England, whose agri-environment funding scheme, known as Environmental Stewardship, is the primary source of funding for landscape management.

We will concentrate our management agreements on sites where environmental stewardship is not available or appropriate.


Owners and occupiers of scheduled monuments are eligible to apply for these grants.


The primary objectives of a management agreement are:

·      to ensure an appropriate standard of care and maintenance for monuments whose condition is not acceptable and whose continued preservation (wholly or in part) is therefore threatened;

·      to secure the better management of ancient monuments, as evident in an improved condition or to maintain an existing condition when other new factors would otherwise result in deterioration;

·      to provide (or improve) public access to an ancient monument, and appropriate presentation material on site.


This scheme is open indefinitely and has no end date.  Therefore you do not need to apply before the 31st March 2025 deadline shown on this advert.  You can apply for this grant at any time during the year.

How to apply

If you would like to discuss the possibility of entering into a Section 17 Management Agreement for a monument on your land, please contact your local Historic England office.

Supporting information

For more information please see the Management Agreements for Field Monuments page of the Historic England website at