Regional Capacity Building

We offer funding under this programme for activities and projects which are local or regional in coverage and which promote the understanding, management and conservation of the historic environment. Our support for building and maintaining sector capacity is focused on the sustainable management and development of the historic environment. We aim to ensure that those eligible activities and projects for which there is a lack of alternative sources of funding are our highest priorities for support.

  • Opening date: (Midnight)
  • Closing date: (Midnight)

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Through this programme, Historic England provides financial help for activities and projects that promote the conservation, understanding and management of the historic environment. We focus our support for building and maintaining sector capacity on the sustainable management and development of the historic environment.

Activities or projects that are for the repair and/or conservation of specific sites, including site-specific project development work such as options appraisals, feasibility studies, conservation management plans etc., are not within the scope of the programme.  Such work might be eligible for other Historic England programmes, for example our Repair Grants for Heritage at Risk grant scheme, which is aimed at work on specific sites.

Historic England’s grant priorities include activities and projects that strengthen the ability of the sector to reduce or avoid risk to the historic environment by understanding, managing and conserving. For further information, please see the Historic England website (

For this programme we also have specific targets for support.  Activities and projects must help to reduce or avoid risk to the historic environment through at least one of the following:

1.      projects that build up the capacity and commitment of local communities to champion the conservation and enhancement of their own local historic environments;

2.      projects that promote best-practice standards for the conservation, documentation, interpretation and sustainable management of the resources of England's historic environment;

3.      projects directed towards meeting regional-based information needs


Any organisation that has an eligible project is able to apply for this grant.


Historic England’s grant priorities include activities and projects that strengthen the ability of the sector to reduce or avoid risk to the historic environment by understanding, managing and conserving. For further information, please see the Historic England website (


This scheme is open indefinitely and has no end date.  Therefore you do not need to apply before the 31st March 2025 deadline shown on this advert.  You can apply for this grant at any time during the year.

How to apply

All applications are handled by our local offices.  If you are interested in applying for funding under this scheme, please contact your local Historic England office.

Supporting information

For more information please see the Regional Capacity Building page on the Historic England website at