Mode Shift Revenue Support

Mode Shift Revenue Support (MSRS) assists companies with the operating costs associated with running rail or inland water freight transport instead of road, where rail or inland waterway transport is more expensive. Waterborne Freight Grant (WFG) is designed to facilitate and support modal shift to waterborne freight services.

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MSRS bids can be made 4 times per financial year on published dates. Applications are considered on Benefit Cost Ratio. 

WFG bids can be made 4 times per financial year on published dates.  Applications are considered on financial viability.


MSRS Intermodal is available to all traffic carried on standard intermodal units on railways infrastructure (except Channel Tunnel traffic).

MSRS Bulk and Waterway is designed to support movement of non-containerised freight by rail and all freight on inland waterways. 

WFG can support coastal or short sea shipping services for up to 3 years, on the condition that after the maximum period the service will be economically viable without grant support.


The MSRS and WFG schemes are designed to facilitate and support modal shift, generating environmental and wider social benefits from reduced lorry jorneys on Britain's raods.


Bid dates are published on the Freight Grants website.

How to apply

Application form and details of how to apply for MSRS and WFG are published on the Freight Grants website.

Supporting information