Good Growth Community Levelling Up Programme

This programme puts communities at the heart of delivery. Funding is available to enable locally based projects and skills investments that tackle deprivation and level up communities across Cornwall and Isles of Scilly.

  • Opening date: (Midnight)
  • Closing date: (Midnight)

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What CLUP can fund:

Funding is available to enable locally based projects to tackle deprivation and to level up communities across Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. This includes:

  • Refurbishing, re-purposing, renovating or creating new buildings on high streets and within neighbourhoods to increase economic activity and pride in place

  • New, or improvements to existing, community and neighbourhood infrastructure

  • Projects that deliver improved public spaces and economic regeneration

  • Engagement schemes to support community involvement in decision making in local regeneration

  • Capital investment (equipment / infrastructure) and revenue investment (salaries / contracting)

  • Projects that make places more accessible and/or more resilient to natural hazards.

CLUP cannot fund projects that:

  • Don’t have approved planning permission when required

  • Create competition with similar organisations / businesses in their local area

  • Can’t deliver by March 2025

  • Are not legally constituted or not able to contract with Cornwall Council

  • Relate to running costs of an organisation

  • Relate to statutory delivery for schools

  • Don’t have a positive impact on community, for example solely fixing a roof / installing solar panel / fixing kitchen (any funding for purely ‘business as usual’ investment won’t be eligible). These elements can be eligible - only if they add value to the existing offer and support levelling up communities.

  • Don’t have match funding in place - if relevant



Projects should achieve at least one of the following outputs:

  • Amount of public realm created (m2)

  • Improved perception of facilities / amenities

  • Number of neighbourhood improvements undertaken

  • Improved perception of facility / infrastructure project

  • Improved engagement numbers

Note that for the 2 ‘perception improvement’ outcomes, projects must develop a method to capture some clear baseline information at the beginning of the project to ensure the final survey is meaningful - more information is available in the outcome definition document.

The more outputs a project can deliver, the more likely it is to be a priority investment - however please ensure that you remain realistic as this will form part of your legal contract with Cornwall Council.


CLUP is now open to applications and will remain open until December 2024 - or when the funding is fully committed - whichever comes first.